James Evans
James Evans gained a first in history at Oxford University before writing a doctorate on Yugoslavia in the aftermath of World War I, subsequently published.
Merchant adventurers, his first book for a wider market (Tudor Adventurers in the US) was followed by Emigrants, both with Weidenfeld and Nicolson. He has also ghost written books on history, politics, and personal life stories.
He has produced historical and political documentaries, working with presenters David Starkey, Niall Ferguson, Dan Snow, Michael Wood and David Reynolds.
He lives in London with his wife and three young children

James Evans
James Evans gained a first in history at Oxford University before writing a doctorate on Yugoslavia in the aftermath of World War I, subsequently published.
Merchant adventurers, his first book for a wider market (Tudor Adventurers in the US) was followed by Emigrants, both with Weidenfeld and Nicolson. He has also ghost written books on history, politics, and personal life stories.
He has produced historical and political documentaries, working with presenters David Starkey, Niall Ferguson, Dan Snow, Michael Wood and David Reynolds.
He lives in London with his wife and three young children